Social Media Marketing

Let our social skills work for you

90% trust peers on social networks (even strangers); only 15–18% trust brands. ~Danny Brown

"Content is Fire. Social Media is Gasoline."

Let Social Media Work for You!

You are busy running your business. While you need to take time to be social, you do not need to spend all of your time developing a social media marketing campaign. You focus on what you love, and we will help you get your message out to your target market with a fantastic social media marketing strategy.

Social media is a small title for a massive outlet. There are so many platforms for you to know and understand, but what platforms work best for your business? We can help. You have a message and we will help you get that message out to your target market.

From Snapchat and Facebook to Tik Tok, we can help you develop and implement a social media marketing strategy that will help bring attention to your small or medium sized business.  That attention will help gain followers. Those followers translate into dollars and your success.

Target Your Market Where They Socialize

We all use it. We all love it. We all connect with the click of a button.

If you want to reach your customers, you need to hang out where they connect with others, and your message has to be crafted in a way that interests them. Weldon Marketing Solutions can help you create that message or simply help you get your message out.

If this is something that you already do well, then we can help support your small business in other areas. However, if you are like most small business owners, you are probably overwhelmed with the idea of having to find the best platforms, design and develop a social media marketing strategy, and then determining how to implement that strategy. Let us help you. Call us today to discuss your best social media marketing strategy.

Which Social Media Outlet Should You Use?

Social media is constantly evolving. You may not have time to keep up with which platforms to use, but that is where Weldon Marketing Solutions can help. We help you determine which social media platforms to use based on your target market and where they spend their time.

Facebook, Tik Tok, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, LinkedIn...oh my!

These social media platforms are king, without a doubt. But are these the best platforms for your small business? And if you use them consistently, how do you make sure that your content is seen? Let us help you get your business seen on your perfect social media platforms.

Optimize Your Social Media Marketing

Once you get out there, you need to track your messaging and associated KPI’s to determine how to continue with your best social media marketing strategy. We can help you track followers and messages that engage your target market. 

Let Social Media Marketing Work for You

You will know that your social media marketing strategy is working when your customers start sharing your content and spreading your message. That is the best part of social media. Once you gain a following, they get excited to share you and your products or services with everyone on their contact list. 

So, let us help you design a message that is share-worthy!

Would you like to know more?

Not sure which internet marketing solution is right for you? Let’s talk and figure it out together, we have the marketing solution that will help your business grow!